
CYCJET Pharmacy traceability inkjet printing system

Abstract: Medicine is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and life and health must be regulated by the most stringent standards. Therefore, it is also reasonable for the enterprise to be the main responsible party to be required to establish a drug information traceability system to ensure product safety. The traceability of medical products is essentially a collection of “one

CNB project was launched worldwide , the new generation of digital currency public chain project, run like a dark horse

On April 1, 2019, CNB global wealth group and ICB technology group co., ltd. jointly created a landing public chain -- IF industrial and financial chain. This chain is the first trading platform and e-commerce platform dual-chain parallel, three-coin dual-acceleration model, not only integrated the advantages of all projects in the current market, but also solve the problem that other projects can


誉辉现代美学馆升级耀启,带来品牌战略级旗舰新品 4月18日,第33届佛山陶博会将如约而至,历经数百个日夜的精心备展,誉辉陶瓷带着“品质本原,创意无界”的品牌宗旨,以迭代新品来呈现更为先进的居住理念。所有漫长的磨炼,都是在等待璀璨绽放的一刻。


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Application of CYCJET inkjet printer in the seasoning industry

China is a country that attaches great importance to food. The Chinese food culture has a long history. The industrious and intelligent Chinese children have developed a unique traditional Chinese food culture based on local conditions and learning from others. As an essential ingredient in daily cooking, condiments occupy a very important position in China's food culture. Condiments are also esse





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